Yomimono on the Web

This is the new blog for Yomimono, a literary magazine published in Japan.  The current issue features work by John Lentz, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, V.Q. Wallick, Margaret Stawowy, Ian McBryde, Peter Bakowski, Michele Corkery, Jordie Albiston, Wendy Nakanishi Jones, Virgil Suarez, Catherine Greenwood and jessica Freeman. 

For a copy, send US$10  or 1,000 yen to: Suzanne Kamata, 254-1 Nada, Aza, Tokumei, Aizumi-cho, Itano-gun, Tokushima-ken  771-1210 Japan. 

(Checks should be made payable to Suzanne Kamata.)

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