4th Annual Japan Writers’ Conference

The Fourth Annual Japan Writers Conference will be in Tokyo in 2010 at Nihon University College of Art, Ekoda campus, a short ride from Ikebukuro on the Seibu Ikebukuro line. Mark your calendar now and plan on being there on Sunday, October 10 and Monday, October 11 (a national holiday in Japan, “Sports Day”).

For the schedule and a list of presenters, click here.

Yomimono #15 – Coming Soon!

Yomimono #15 (now in production) features fiction from Marian Pierce, Ann Tashi Slater, Edward Black, Shogo Oketani (translated by Avery Udagawa), Morowa Yejide and Marcus Bird as well as poetry by Judy Halebsky, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Taylor Mignon, and Gregory Dunne. Also, an interview with writer and visual artist Joanne G. Yoshida.